Thursday, June 3, 2010

DOS - some usefull commands

1. f1 - history by character basis

2. f7- Hit F7 and you will get a complete list of commands that you executed.

3. drag draop the path.

4. Use && to run multiple command like if you want to execute dir and help you can write like: dir && help.

the command will exicute one by one.

5. Press ALT+ ENTER to go for full screen and to switch back to normal screen.

6. Change window size: mode 100, 50 >will make the window 100 characters wide and 50 lines high

7. command: tasklist will give you the all task list.

8. Filter command output:

9. Sleep or pause for some time: ping -n 5 > NUL 2>&1 to wait for 5 seconds

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